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Impact September 2022
576 new bottles were sold and thus a total impact of CHF 4'080 was generated! You can find all orders which were received here. Those people who have not explicitly excluded the "personal recognition" in the shop are also mentioned below with their names.
A lot has changed since the last Impact in summer 2021. Hardly anyone makes it to the Island anymore. Those who were still there mostly fled to the mainland. The problem is not solved, but simply relocated. Most organizations have left the Island and are new relocating in Athens.
This is also the reason why three organizations no longer fulfill the Nefeli criteria and can therefore not be considered for this Impact. The money that was intended for them is divided. One third each goes to the projects listed below and one third to Abdhul. The remaining CHF 527 will be divided in Impact 2023. For the Impact 2023 new projects will be listed that need to be supported.
Due to the ongoing war, there was an additional section for refugees from Ukraine for the Impact 2022, which could be selected.
All Nefeli olive oil is sold out. The olive oil from the 2022 harvest will be delivered in 4-6 weeks (approx. mid-November). Pre-orders can already be made via Thank you for the appreciated and great support!
SOS Méditerranée (sea rescue) - CHF 1'624
Ruckli Beat, Walker Raphael, Güller Ursula, Castineiras Estibaliz, Pelizzari Alessandro, Hutmacher Carolina, Favre Jerome, Bohnet Malcolm, Pichard Myriam, Runge Manuela, Hess Delphine, Debluë Claire-Lise, Mignot Stéphane, Schumacher Chatrina, Marie Andre, Reusse Stéphanie, Blanc Sylviane, Besset Susanna, Annen Catherine, Huber Celina, Häring Nicole, Kathriner Sina, Nachrab Esther, Mégroz Jacques, Akdogan Lara, Françoise Greder, Riedi Rosa, Reber Roger, Sachseln Claro, and Annen Catherine
One Happy Family (entertainment and education) - CHF 907
Montalta Peter, Rogger Adrian, Schmidlin Clivia-Laura, Kathriner Sina, Huber Celina, Amstad Yvonne, Rogger Adrian, von Moos Niki, Sachseln Claro, Chen Felix, Burri Jana, Imfeld_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Ann-Sofie, Eichenberger Siri, Akdogan Lara, Eberli Christoph, Kreuter Thea, Januzi Festina, Caritas Switzerland, Fisic Laura
Campax (refugees from Ukraine) - CHF 495
Claro Sachseln, Schwab Loïc, Aebischer Pauline, von Moos Niki
Rütimattli Foundation
Industriestrasse 4
6060 Sarnen
Our Passion
Doing good with
everyday products.
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