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Impact February 2021

In the last few months 2'176.40 CHF has been received for the humanitarian projects on Lesvos. The original plan was to hand over the money personally to the chosen projects. However, the current pandemic made it impossible to travel to the island. Nevertheless, the money was handed over, photos have been taken and a conversation was held with each of the responsible person of the selected projects. In the video we talk about the current situation, their project, the person behind it and for what the money will be needed for. This has a special relevance because reporting on the island is currently hardly possible. The people who did not explicitly exclude "personal recognition" when ordering are mentioned also in the video. Particularly to mention are Novex AG, Acin AG (commissioning and shipping), the Marktecke in Olten, Andrina Jungo and the Hobiel. All orders received for this Impact can be accessed here.

  • Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-07 um 17.09.16
  • Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-07 um 17.09.33
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The Hope Project - CHF 331.80

Jonas Amstutz, Federico Padrone, Gina Obrist

One Happy Family - 584.40 CHF

Anna Omlin, Sina Kathriner, Jonas Amstutz, Novex AG (Samuel Britschgi), Louise Gueissaz

Kitrinos Healthcare - 718.60 CHF

Rita Steiner, Jonas Amstutz, Jiyan Atac, Noémie Zurlinden, Astrid Imfeld, Ann-Sofie Imfeld Tegelskär, Sina Kathriner, Novex AG (Samuel Britschgi), Beatrix Koch-Montalta, Melina Beck, Claudia Sparacino, Melanie Abegg


Yves Gubelmann, Hidajeta Abdili, Rita Steiner, Jonas Amstutz, Roman Karakoc, Berivan Sayli, Camille Härdi, Sandro Odermatt, Julian Schmid, Fabian Habegger

Legal Center Lesvos - CHF 157

The Legal Centre Lesvos could no longer convince. It took too long time before we could get in touch with someone or receive a reply. In addition the conversation was reduced to a minimum. We have no doubt that they do a good job on the island. Nevertheless, we decided to replace the organisation with SOS Méditerranée for the next handover in July 2021. The money for this period which was supposed to go to the Legal Centre was instead given to three refugee families on Lesvos.
Faisal's family fled Afghanistan and has just been granted asylum status. The Ahmadi family is also from Afghanistan. The father suffers from serious kidney problems. Mohammad is from Syria and is the father of three children. The mother suffers from deep depression and is in hospital. All three families have no income.






Rütimattli Foundation
Industriestrasse 4
6060 Sarnen

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